From 2015-2023, Gender/Power, led by Maya Ciarrocchi and Kris Grey was a workshop and teaching methodology that that employed storytelling, personal narrative, and movement, to question and reveal the dynamics of power in relationship to gender and gender perception.

In 2019 Gender/Power participated in the inaugural Moving Towards Justice Cohort at Gibney. During the eight-month fellowship they successfully transitioned Gender/Power from a performance method to a workshop and pedagogical model.

Performance compositions of Gender/Power have been presented across New York City at Gibney, JACK, and Smack Mellon. Gender/Power has led workshops at the 2019 A Blade of Grass Assembly, Abrons Art Center, Gibney, The Invisible Dog Art Center, Northern Clay Center, The University of Utah, and Footsteps. Gender/Power received residency support from the Baryshnikov Arts Center and the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council and funding support from the Bay and Paul Foundation, Franklin Furnace Fund, MAP Fund, and the Mertz Gilmore Foundation.

Maya, Kris and Becca at the Baryshnikov Arts Center, 2015

photo: Janelle Jones

Massima and Becca at Smack Mellon, 2016

photo: Julietta Cervantes

Kris and Becca at the Baryshnikov Arts Center, 2015

photo: Janelle Jones

Kris and Tigger! at Gibney, 2015
Kris, Becca and Tigger! at Gibney, 2015
Emma at the University of Utah, 2016
Students at the University of Utah, 2016
Elena, Ray, Pamela, and Shawn at JACK, 2016

photo: Julietta Cervantes